If your return is ACCEPTED and shows you are due a REFUND, you do not need to take any other action.
If your return is ACCEPTED and your return shows a BALANCE DUE, please verify your payment was accepted by the government.
- If you choose to pay the government with a paper check, you will need to mail that check to the government.
- If you use an electronic payment method such as Direct Debit or IPayByCreditCard, then we recommend you check your bank or card statement to ensure the payment goes through as scheduled. You can also log in to your account and view your eFile status to ensure the government received your payment information.
Important Note
Once we receive the acknowledgment of your e-filed return’s acceptance from the government, we are given no further information about the refund or payment process. FileYourTaxes.com is merely an online service and does not act as a tax preparer. We will not be able to answer any questions about your refund delivery time frame or if your refund is adjusted or delayed.
Track Refund
The IRS suggests that you track the status of your refund through the Where’s My Refund application directly from the www.irs.gov homepage. Please note that it may take the IRS up to 72 hours to post your return information after it has been accepted. If you have not received your refund three weeks after the date of your acknowledgment, or if you have any other return related questions, you may contact the IRS, toll free at
Paper Attachments
If there are paper attachments that need to be submitted as part of the e-filed return, you must mail the Form 8453 to the IRS. If you indicate that you will include paper documents in your filing, the Form 8453 will be available to print if you login to your account and select Print Completed Forms.DO NOT attach W-2 or 1099 Forms, or other portions of the return such as the cover page.