If you received a rejection, you can visit the Status Report on the Navigation page to find - the rejection code, reason and rejection help message. For information on how to view your e-file status, visit How to check e-file status.
You will get all the necessary information to resolve your rejection in the Status Report on the Navigation page. You will need to use this information to make an the necessary corrections resubmit your return.
Make sure to take a look at the:
- Rejection code
- Reason for rejection
- Requires Action to resubmit
How to resubmit a rejected return
1) Enter the return, take a look at the Status Report on the Navigation Page. Expand the Return bubble to find the return details. Once you have read the reason for rejection and action required you can edit the return.
2) Select Edit a Return in Progress
3) Make the Action required to resubmit in your return, this is user specific, so you must utilize the information in the Status Report to make the right changes to your return. Complete the following two critical steps!
4) Update the Signature Date and/or Direct Deposit information
5) Proceed with resubmitting your e-filed return